User’s Preference, Perception, and Expectation for Mother and Children’s Hospital




expectation, general user, patient, perception, preference, expectation, patients, perception, prefereences


The hospital building is designed to fulfill and accommodate every user's needs, namely patient and general users/visitors. The users discussed in this research are patients and general users. This research aims to determine preferences (reasons for choosing), perceptions (strengths and weaknesses), and user’s expectations (patients and general users) of Mother & Child Hospital. The research was conducted qualitatively using a grounded theory approach. Data were collected using an online questionnaire containing open-ended main questions and distributed freely (non-random sampling). The collected data analyzed qualitatively using the content analysis (open coding) method. The result show Mother & Children Hospital’s patient and general user’s differences in preferences, perception, and expectations on visual architectural aspects, non-visual architectural aspects, and non-architectural aspects. The preferences, perceptions, and expectations of patients and general users tend to be non-architectural in terms of their preferences. There is only one difference, it's in the general user's perception of the Mother & Children Hospital's weakness, where the perception lies in the visual architectural aspect. The tendency for patients and general users are found in the category of service, facilities, quality of medical personnel, location, and parking.


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Author Biographies

Intan Reyndan Fananti, Institut Teknologi Bandung

berkontribusi dalam konseptualisasi, pengumpulan data dan investigasi, menyusun   draft artikel dan editing.

Annisa Safira Riska , Institut Teknologi Bandung

Program Studi Arsitektur, SAPPK, Institut Teknologi Bandung

berkontribusi pada pengumpulan data, analisis data, dan penyusunan draft artikel serta visualisasi data

Hanson Endra Kusuma, Institut Teknologi Bandung

KK Perancangan Arsitektur, Sekolah Arsitektur, Perencanaan, dan Pengembangan Kebijakan (SAPPK)
berkontribusi pada metodologi, supervisi penelitian, validasi dan melakukan penelaahan artikel


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How to Cite

Fananti, I. R., Riska , A. S. ., & Kusuma, H. E. (2021). User’s Preference, Perception, and Expectation for Mother and Children’s Hospital. EMARA: Indonesian Journal of Architecture, 7(1), 26–41.