Material and Building Engineering

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Housing construction is one of the basic and most important needs of human civilization. Over time, the basic structure of this shelter evolved from a simple cave to a magnificent house, palace, and so on. This is similar to the building materials and construction industry, which has evolved from the use of simple straws, muds, straws and slate to the latest traditional building materials such as bricks, reinforced concrete, tiles, glass, steel and prefabricated materials.(Sharma & Sharma, 2020) Private and natural materials such as bamboo and soil are very important in this sequence, availability and workability, low construction and maintenance costs, ease of repair and maintenance, high energy efficiency, It is very useful in terms of improving sound effects and oyher architcture features.(Sharma et al., 2016)

Sharma, V., Chandel, S., & b, B. (2016). Review of energy efficient features in vernacular architecture for improving indoor thermal comfort conditions. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 65, 459–477.
Sharma, V., & Sharma, V. (2020). Sustainability based on indigenous materials of building construction. Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 6(1), 001–002.

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picture by trevor Patt under the licence of CC NC SA

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