Vernacular Architecture

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Elements of sustainable design are integral to vernacular architecture that have evolved over time using local materials and technology emerging from ambient natural and cultural environment creating optimum relationships between people and their place.(Salman, 2018) Vernacular architecture can be defined as unpretentious, simple, indigenous, traditional structures made of local materials and following well-tried forms and types(Curl, 2006) Architecture is built by people to people; it has developed through time and modified itself through trial and error to fulfill society’s needs in harmony with the ambient environment.(Salman, 2018) Local architecture embodies the various cultural values ​​that can be used today in the conceptual design of buildings. These values ​​relate to climate-friendly construction methods that correspond to people's lifestyles, traditions, customs, social values ​​and culture. It has great sustainability potential


Curl, J. S. (2006). A Dictionary of Architecture and Landscape. Oxford University Press.

Salman, M. (2018). Sustainability and Vernacular Architecture: Rethinking What Identity Is. In Urban and Architectural Heritage Conservation within Sustainability. IntechOpen.

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Photo by Bicanski under the license of CC 0

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