Author Guidelines

To meet journal writing standards, submitted manuscripts shall contain; title, abstract, introduction, method, result and discussion, conclusion, and bibliography

The title should clearly describe the substance of the study with a maximum of 20 words and using the 16 sizes of Arial

The abstract is written using English and Indonesian with a maximum of 250 words for each language and 10-word maximum keywords. This section briefly explains the background, research methods, results, and conclusions of your article. This section serves as a synopsis of your article.

The manuscript is written in English or Indonesian with a permissible number of characters between 4000 and 7000 words.

The manuscript compiled on A4 paper format with two (2) columns and a margin of 2 cm on the right side, top, bottom, and 3 cm on the left side (for more convenience please use the provided template)

Introduction: This section includes background and gap analysis which reinforces the argument why the research was conducted. Please include primary references from similar publications from the last 10 years of publication to show the novelty of your text. Do not include a theory or literature review in this section.

Methods: In this section, you are asked to describe in detail the methods and steps carried out in your research, including how data is validated, processed, and presented. You are also asked to include the research tools used. That way, the Methods section will open up opportunities for adaptation and duplication of similar studies in the future.
Result and Discussions: In this section, you are asked to present your research results in a straightforward manner in accordance with the research objectives. The discussion section will discuss the findings and be related to the scientific context according to the research topic. Make sure that every table and figure that is included is also referred to in the body of the article.

The number and title of the table is written on the left side of the table. The number and title of the picture is written on the left side under the picture. The image source is listed directly at the end of the image title. Don't use screenshots to list tables or figures. Make sure the image has a fairly sharp resolution (above 100 pixels)
Conclusions: In the section, do not repeat what has been said in the results section. This section will answer the research objectives, so use straightforward and informative grammar. Please do not use a numbering system or bullets in describing conclusions.

Reference: The bibliography is compiled using APA with DOI Style methods and is required to use standard citation applications (Zotero, Mendeley, Endnote, etc). Please use primary references from publications of scientific articles in your paper, at least 15 references. Here are a few examples of how to write references that are suggested

Hudson, J. C. (1969). A Location Theory for Rural Settlement. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 59(2), 365–381. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8306.1969.tb00676.x

Caesarina, H. M., & Aina, N. (2018). Planning and design approach in Islamic green city towards sustainable city: The case of Martapura. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 403, 012001. doi: 10.1088/1757-899X/403/1/012001

Mortada, H. (2003). Traditional Islamic Principles of Built Environment. New York: Routledge.

Yoelianto, B. (2005). Kajian Spasial Perkembangan Spasial Perkembangan Kota Purwodadi (Thesis, Universitas Diponegoro). Retrieved from

Aziz, A. (2011, July 16). Peranan Ulama Dalam Transformasi Sosial Budaya Menuju Masyarakat Madani. Retrieved 3 October 2018, from Grinting Community website:

For more convenience, you can download our template at this link: template


The following are some guidelines for a book review essay. Your book review should concern only the book(s) that you’re reviewing with a word count of about 1,500 words (including the references). It should provide EIJA readers an engaging, informative and critical discussion of the work. The review should also consider:

The intended audience for the book and those who would find it useful
The main objectives of the book and how effectively these are accomplished
The context or impetus for the book (e.g., design controversy, review research, policy, theory, etc.)
A comparison of other works on this subject
Constructive comments about the strengths and weaknesses of the book

Please lead your essay with the following listing:

Author(s) or editor(s) first and last name(s) and please indicate if it is an edited book
Title of book
Publisher's city and state and name of publisher
Year of publication
Price (please indicate paperback or hard cover)
Total # of page expressed as XXX pp.
Image of boobook cover
 template for book Review download