Student Group Dynamic Model Based on Understanding in Mathematics Subjects


  • M. Ivan Ariful Fathoni Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sunan Giri, Bojonegoro, Indonesia
  • Anisa Fitri Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sunan Giri, Bojonegoro, Indonesia
  • Hanifahtul Husnah Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sunan Giri, Bojonegoro, Indonesia



Dynamical system, Mathematical model, Equilibrium points, Student interaction, Learning process


This study discusses the interaction of students with a mathematical modeling point of view. This interaction involves students who understand and do not understand mathematics subject matter. The interaction process between groups is modeled in a two-dimensional system of differential equations. Variable A is the percentage of students who understand the material, and variable B is the percentage of students who do not understand the material. The dynamic analysis results obtained by one trivial equilibrium point and three non-trivial equilibrium points exist with several conditions. Based on the stability analysis of the non-trivial equilibrium point, it is found that the conditions without students do not understand mathematics subject matter. This condition is the goal of this study, which involves interaction between students; it can increase the learning process's success.


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How to Cite

Fathoni, M. I. A., Fitri, A., & Husnah, H. (2021). Student Group Dynamic Model Based on Understanding in Mathematics Subjects. Jurnal Matematika MANTIK, 7(1), 41–50.