Optimization of Balanced Menu for Pregnant Women in Grobogan-Central Java using Simplex Method


  • Nihaya Alivia Coraima Dewi Universitas Billfath, Lamongan, Indonesia
  • Fitroh Resmi Universitas Billfath, Lamongan, Indonesia
  • Pukky Tetralian Bantining Ngastiti Universitas Billfath, Lamongan, Indonesia




Pregnant Women, Simplex Method, Stunting


This study aims to determine the optimization of balanced dietary composition for pregnant women. Determination of the optimization of balanced food is carried out by forming a linear model along with boundary conditions and objective functions, as well as inputting data on the age of pregnant women, age of pregnancy  and  maternal nutritional  needs, then the calculation  is carried out using the simplex method in order to obtain the weight of food ingredients that must be consumed to get a balanced nutrition, namely with 75 combinations that have been analyzed on groups of pregnant  women  aged  19-29  years  and  30-49  years  in  three trimesters,   including   staple   foods,   vegetables   (spinach,   green mustard,  cauliflower,  kale,  carrots),  fruit,  side  dishes  vegetables, nuts, sugar and milk with the recommended nutritional adequacy rate for the data content of water, energy, protein, fat, carbohydrate (KH), fiber, vitamin A, B1, B2, B3 and vitamin C. In the group of pregnant women aged 19-29 years and women aged  30-49 years in the three trimesters, it was found that the combination of 55 was the optimal combination with rice, kale, watermelon, and tofu.


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How to Cite

Nihaya Alivia Coraima Dewi, Resmi, F. ., & Ngastiti, P. T. B. (2021). Optimization of Balanced Menu for Pregnant Women in Grobogan-Central Java using Simplex Method. Jurnal Matematika MANTIK, 7(1), 59–66. https://doi.org/10.15642/mantik.2021.7.1.59-66