Budidaya Lobster (Panulirus spp.) di Indonesia


  • Riswanda Rangga Putra Program Studi Biologi Fakultas Sains & Teknologi UIN Sunan Ampel
  • Dimas Putra Wahyu Nugraha Program Studi Ilmu Kelautan Fak. Saintek UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
  • M. Rafly Albarkah Program Studi Ilmu Kelautan Fak. Saintek UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
  • M. Chusnan Ma’arif Program Studi Ilmu Kelautan Fak. Saintek UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
  • M. Fachrul Fatih Program Studi Ilmu Kelautan Fak. Saintek UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
  • Moch. Irfan Hadi Program Studi Biologi Fakultas Sains & Teknologi UIN Sunan Ampel
  • Wiga Alif Violando Program Studi Ilmu Kelautan Fak. Saintek UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
  • Raras Widya Nusa Program Studi Ilmu Kelautan Fak. Saintek UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya


Lobster, Farming, Aspects


Lobster is one type of commodity that is very hotly discussed. Lobster is commonly used as food that has a high selling value. Lobster in Indonesia is mostly supplied by fishermen who get lobster through catches in nature. The dependence of lobster yields from natural catches certainly makes lobster difficult to obtain every time and affects fishermen's income. One solution to avoid this is to carry out lobster farming activities, in addition to maintaining the income of the fishermen themselves, of course, farming also supports the balance of the lobster ecosystem in their habitat. In Indonesia, there are 6 types of lobster including Panulirus homarus, Panulirus ornatus, Panulirus longipes, Panulirus penicillatus, Panulirus polyphagus, and Panulirus versicolor. To distinguish the sex of the lobster, it can be seen from the ventral and dorsal sides. In lobster farming, there are several aspects to support its success. These aspects include site selection, determining the type of cages (fixed cage or floating net cage), farming techniques (lobster sorting, monitoring lobsters and cages, as well as feeding), harvesting techniques (selected lobster with conditions and weight according to PERMEN KP no 12 tahun 2020), and shipping techniques (includes dry or wet packaging of lobsters, either by air or by land).





