Pelabelan Harmonis Ganjil pada Kelas Graf Baru Hasil Operasi Cartesian Product


  • Fery Firmansah Universitas Widya Dharma Klaten
  • Muhammad Ridlo Yuwono Universitas Widya Dharma Klaten



Cartesian product; Union graph; Odd harmonious graph; Snake-net graph


Graph class which has the characteristic of odd harmonious labeling is called as odd harmonious graph. Net graph is a graph which is gained by using operation Cartesian product of two line graphs. The construction of snake-net graph is inspired by the definition of snake graph replacing the round graph to net graph. In this paper, the study will show that snake-net graph fulfill the characteristic of odd harmonious graph in such a way snake-net graph is the odd harmonious graph. In the end of this paper, it is also shown that the union of snake-net graph is also called as the odd harmonious graph.


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How to Cite

Firmansah, F., & Yuwono, M. R. (2017). Pelabelan Harmonis Ganjil pada Kelas Graf Baru Hasil Operasi Cartesian Product. Jurnal Matematika MANTIK, 3(2), 87–95.