Pengaruh Variasi Penambahan Abu Ketel (Ash Boiler) Terhadap Nilai Kuat Tekan Mortar


  • Ahmad Shofi UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
  • Arqowi Pribadi UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
  • Dian Rizky Adinda UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya


Ash Boiler, Compressive Strength, Mortar


Kettle ash is the solid waste left over from burning bagasse. Boiler ash which can be used as a substitute for cement is planned to reduce pollution and greenhouse gas emissions such as CO2 from the cement industry. Due to the high SiO2 content of the boiler ash, it is expected that the ash will improve the quality of the mortar mix. Mortar composition with cement 1:4 using kettle ash instead of cement. This study aims to replace cement in the manufacture of mortar in the amount of 0%, 5%, 15% and 25%. Because it is equivalent to mortar that does not contain boiler ash, the compressive strength test results on a mixture containing 5% boiler ash are the best. The average compressive strength of mortar without boiler ash was 84.73 kg/cm2, while the average compressive strength of mortar with 5% mixture was 81.50 kg/cm2


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How to Cite

Shofi, A. ., Pribadi, A., & Adinda, D. R. (2022). Pengaruh Variasi Penambahan Abu Ketel (Ash Boiler) Terhadap Nilai Kuat Tekan Mortar. Journal of Disaster Mitigation and Civil Engineering Research, 1(1), 24–31. Retrieved from


