Efikasi Virus Entomopatogen Spodoptera litura Nucleopolyhedrosis Virus (SINPV) terhadap


  • Intan Maratus Solikhah UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
  • Amini Khanti Rahayu Balai Besar Perbenihan dan Proteksi Tanaman Perkebunan (BBPPTP) Surabaya


Spodoptera litura, SINPV


Spodoptera litura is a pest that attacks plants with a wide range of attacks. The entomopathogenic virus Spodoptera litura Nucleopolyhedrosis Virus (SINPV) is a type of natural enemy that has the potential as a biological control agent in controlling S.litura larvae, because it has host-specific properties, is selective and effective for pest that are resistent to insecticides and is dafe for the environmment. The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of the SINPV entomopathogenic virus on the mortality of S.litura larvae. This research was conducted in the virology laboratory of the Indonesian Plantation Plant Seed and Protection Center (BBPPTP) Surabaya in Janary-February 2022. The method used was a completelyrandomized design (CRD) with 4 treatment with variation in SINPV concentration of 5%,10%,15%, and 20% with 3 replicates. aThe results showed that SINPV was effective against mortality pf S.litura larvae. The highest percentage was in the SINPV treatment with a concentration of 20% and the lowest was at a concentration pf 0%. The higher the concentration of virus applied, the higher the concentration of virus in the body of the larvae. Dead larvae can be used as further propagation of polyhedra virus to control S.litura larvae.





