Review Artikel: Studi Penggunaan Berbagai Jenis Pelarut Pada Ekstrak Tinta Hewan Kelas Cephalopoda Sebagai Antibakteri


  • Shonia Nur Aisyah UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
  • Hanik Faizah Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya


Antibacterial activity, cephalopod ink, human pathogens, solvents


Bacterial infections are a common disease. The use of antibiotics in overcoming infections can built bacteria resistance. Cephalopods are known as animals that can produce bioactive compounds in their bodies in the form of inks that are used to protect themselves. The inks can have different characteristics for each genus or species. influenced by differences of bioactive components. It can affects the colour of ink, scent, viscosity, pH, etc. The bioactive compounds in cephalopod ink were then used for further antibacterial research against pathogenic bacteria. This study used SLR (Systematic Literature Review) method from five international journals to determine the development of the use of cephalopod ink as an antibacterial with various solvents. The research results showed that the best solvents used to extract the ink were hexane from nonpolar, methanol from polar, and buthanol from semipolar. The best cephalopod ink is from cuttlefish (Sepia sp.) and squid (Loligo sp.). Although the selection of the use of extract solvents and species is very important, the method used must still maximize the potential of the compounds that have been extracted, so that the results obtained will also be maximized and are the best result from research.





