Modeling of Indonesia Composite Index using Artificial Neural Network and Multivariate Adaptive Regression Spline (retracted)


  • Mutia Yollanda Universitas Andalas
  • Dodi Devianto Universitas Andalas
  • Putri Permathasari Universitas Andalas



artificial neural network, multivariate adaptive regression spline, indonesia composite index


The Indonesian Composite Stock Price Index is an indicator of changes in stock prices are a guide for investors to invest in reducing risk. Fluctuations in stock data tend to violate the assumptions of normality, homoscedasticity, autocorrelation, and multicollinearity. This problem can be overcome by modelling the Composite Stock Price Index uses an artificial neural network (ANN) and multivariate adaptive regression spline (MARS). In this study, the time-series data from the Composite Stock Price Index starting in April 2003 to March 2018 with its predictor variables are crude oil prices, interest rates, inflation, exchange rates, gold prices, Down Jones, and Nikkei 225. Based on the coefficient of determination, the determination coefficient of ANN is 0.98925, and the MARS determination coefficient is 0.99427. While based on the MAPE value, MAPE value of ANN was obtained, namely 6.16383 and MAPE value of MARS, which was 4.51372. This means that the ANN method and the good MARS method are used to forecast the value of the Indonesian Composite Stock Index in the future, but the MARS method shows the accuracy of the model is slightly better than ANN.


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How to Cite

Yollanda, M., Devianto, D., & Permathasari, P. (2019). Modeling of Indonesia Composite Index using Artificial Neural Network and Multivariate Adaptive Regression Spline (retracted). Jurnal Matematika MANTIK, 5(2), 112–122.